Khairedayati Khairedayati, Antung Noor Asiah, Ahmad Fauzi, Budi Dermawan


This study aims to determine the effect of debt policy on financial performance in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Debt policy is proxied by short term debt (STD), long term debt (LTD), and total debt (TD), while financial performance is proxied by return on assets (ROA). The research period was conducted for three years, namely in 2015-2017. This research is a causal study with a quantitative approach, while based on the level of exploration this research includes associative research. The research population is all manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2015-2017. The sample obtained was based on purposive sampling technique, and obtained 56 companies. Data analysis techniques used multiple linear regression with regression models using free short-term debt (STD) variables, long term debt (LTD), and total debt (TD) and the dependent variable return on assets (ROA). Based on data analysis that short term debt (STD), long term debt (LTD), and total debt (TD) simultaneously affect return on assets (ROA) in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX. The results of partial data analysis that short term debt (STD) and total debt (TD) do not affect return on assets (ROA) with massing-each has a significant value of 0,565 and 0,682 which means greater than the probability value of 0,05, while the long-term debt (LTD) partially affects the return on assets (ROA) with a significance value of 0,015, which means it is smaller than the probability of 0,05.


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