Iyut Fairuz, Norbaiti .


PT Mitra Megah Profitamas Banjarmasin is one of the well-known Mitra Suzuki car dealer in Banjarmasin, specialising in four-wheel vehicle sales. In 2017, Suzuki launched car classified in Citycar, namely Suzuki Ignis. In April 2017 Suzuki Ignis was available for sale at PT Mitra Megah Profitamas. This research was aimed to           (1) analyse whether cultural, social, personal, and psychology aspects simultaneously influence decision making in purchasing Suzuki Ignis cars at PT Mitra Megah Profitamas Banjarmasin, (2) to analyse whether cultural, social, personal, and psychology aspects partially influence decision making in purchasing Suzuki Ignis cars at PT Mitra Megah Profitamas Banjarmasin, (3) to analyse which factor is the most dominant in influencing customers’ decision making in purchasing Suzuki Ignis car at PT Mitra Megah Profitamas Banjarmasin. The method used in the research was quantitative method. The research output was based data obtained from (1) direct observation at PT Mitra Megah Profitamas Banjarmasin,  (2) in person interview with the Branch Manager and several staffs related to the said matter, (3) questionnaire which is a tool for data gathering carried out by giving out questionnaire in person or through online. The result showed that there is a simultaneous linked between variables of cultural, social, personal and psychological aspect with the decision making. Partially, there is also a link between variables of cultural, social, personal and psychological aspect with the decision making.


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