Timmywie Crapten, RR Siti Munawaroh, Novytha .


This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and price on consumer loyalty at UD. Maju Banjarmasin Group both partially and simultaneously. The research method used in this study is the explanatory method. The population in this study is all consumers who make purchases at UD. Maju Banjarmasin Group during February 2020 until April 2020 which amounted to 114 people, the sampling technique uses the Slovin formula which produces a sample of 89 people. Data analysis techniques using the classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, while testing the hypothesis using partial tests and simultaneous tests. Partially it is proven that product quality has a positive and significant effect on consumer loyalty at UD. Maju Banjarmasin Group and the magnitude of the influence is 69.3%. Partially it is proven that the price has a negative and significant effect on consumer loyalty at UD. Maju Banjarmasin Group and the magnitude of this influence amounted to 55.7%. Simultaneously product quality and price affect consumer loyalty. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination of 0.562 means that the ability of product quality and price variables explain their effect on consumer loyalty variables of 56.2%. While the remaining 43.8% is influenced by other independent variables not examined in this study such as personal selling, sales promotion, business location and others.


Product Quality, Price and Consumer Loyalty.


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