Heni Utari, Masithah Akbar, Hutama Sanputra Arifin, Riska Adela


This study aims to determine the results of financial analysis distress in Islamic sharia banking in Indonesia using the 2016-2018 Zmijewski X-Score model. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research design, which is a form of research based on data collected systematically about the facts and properties of the object under study by combining the relationships between the variables involved in it. The data used in the form of secondary data. The sampling technique is using saturated samples so that 14 Islamic banks are obtained as research samples. The results of this study indicate that there are as many as 10 Islamic banks that are in a healthy position in the third year and there are 4 Islamic banks that are in GrayArea even though only one third-year bank is in the gray area of Mega Syariah Bank. all banks that have a result of 0 are included in the Gray area category but if it is smaller than 0 then the bank is in the healthy category while greater than 0 then is in the category of financial distress in this study there are no Islamic banks that experience financial distress.


Financial distress, model Zmijewski X-Score


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