Katrinada ., Erini Junita Sari, Hanifah .


This study aims; (1) to analyze compensation influence, the work itself, and work condition simultaneously towards performance of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees itself, (2) to analyze compensation influence toward LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees performance, (3) to analyze influence of work itself towards employee performance of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin, (4) to analyze influence condition of work towards LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees. This study used descriptive method with the population of 53 respondents which were chosen from the employees of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin. This study hypothesis testing was carried out by multiple linear regression analysis.

The results showed that simultaneous compensation, the work itself, and working conditions simultaneously affected the performance of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees. While partially, compensation has a significant effect on the performance of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees, as well as the work itself has a significant effect on the performance of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees, in addition, partially, working conditions have a significant effect on the performance of LLDIKTI Banjarmasin employees. Of the three variables that have a more significant effect is work itself on employee performance


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