Peran Promosi Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan Rumah Anno 1925 di Siring Tendean Banjarmasin

Muhammad Fachry Pasha, RR. Siti Munawaroh, Atika Thoria


This study aims to determine the role of promotion in the increase of tourists visit the House of Anno 1925 in siring Tendean Banjarmasin. Analysis of the data in this study uses a frequency distribution table of each question that exists. Furthermore, based on the frequency distribution obtained an analysis of the answers of 83 respondents to the research instruments submitted to respondents in the form of questionnaires distributed through Google forms. The results showed that the promotion was instrumental in increasing Tourists Visit to the House of Anno 1925 in Siring Tendean Banjarmasin but that role was more dominated by the Banjarmasin City Arts and Culture Tourism Office compared to Travel Agents.  The role of promotion in increasing tourist visits to Rumah Anno 1925, based on the AIDA concept as follows:  Whereas in carrying out the promotion, the first thing that needs to be done is to attract the attention of tourists so that with the interest of prospective tourists, an image will be created, and in the promotion of the attractions of the House Anno 1925 the aspect of Interest needs to be created so that potential tourists are interested to visit the attractions of the House Anno 1925, then Desire (desire) arises because of the interest in the minds of tourists so that it will be out of their minds desires to visit the attraction of the House Anno 1925, based on the Action (action) promotional activities of the House Anno 1925 attraction can said to have succeeded, which can be seen from the results of respondents' answers that they want to visit the attraction of the House Anno 1925.


working capital turnover, liquidity, capital structure, company profitability, return on assets, current ratio


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