Kelvin Chandra Nata, Iqbal Firdausi, Budi Dermawan


This research is a survey research with a quantitative approach. The sample of this research is the employees of BANK BCA A. Yani branch totaling 50 employees with population sampling technique. The data was collected using a questionnaire while the data analysis was carried out using multiple regression analysis. The validity test in this study used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique. From the results of the CFA test, there were three questions that failed, namely the question item Performance 8, Leadership Style 8, and Work Discipline 8. So from a total of 28 question items,. At a significance level of 5%, the results of the study found that: (1) Leadership style did not have a positive effect on the performance employees, with the contribution of leadership style on employee performance. Work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance with the contribution of work discipline to employee performance. Leadership style and work discipline have a positive effect on the performance employees. The contribution of leadership style and work discipline to explain the performance of employees. This means that the ability of the leadership style variable and work discipline in  explaining the variation of the performance variable is 42.7%, while the rest is explained by other variables outside the variables studied.

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