Analisis Kinerja Keuangan PT. Bukit Asam Tbk 2015-2019 Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor: KEP-100/MBU/2002

Ari Yustisio Dau, Riswan Ludfi


This study aims to assess the level of soundness of performance from the financial aspect of PT. Bukit Asam Tbk for year of 2015-2019, using financial analysis based the ratios determined by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Number:KEP-100/MBU/2002.

This study uses a quantitative approach. By calculating the ratio that has been determined by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, the company can assess the company’s financial performance and analyze it. The data collection technique used is documentation, with documents in the form of reports/company financial data for 2015-2019. Data analysis techniques based on the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises number: KEP-100/MBU/2002.

The results of this study indicate that PT. Bukit Asam Tbk shows that the level of health in 2015-2019 tends to be stable with a healthy predicate in the AAA category with each period getting an accumulated weight of 68.5 and 68 with a total score of 97.85 and 97.14 in 2015-2016. Then in 2017 it receive accumulated assessment weight of 67 with a total score of 95.71. In 2018 it got an accumulated assessment weight of 68 with a total score of 97.14, then in 2019 it got an accumulated assessment weight of 67 with a total score of 95.71.


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