Penggunaan Social Media Marketing untuk Memasarkan Produk pada Malvie Store Banjarmasin

Nadia Azmi Juaini, RR. Siti Munawaroh, Masithah Akbar, Muhammad Panzi Mauludin, Syaefuddin Syaefuddin


This study aims to find out how Malvie Store Banjarmasin uses social media, especially Instagram as a marketing tool to market its products. The Instagram account name used is @malviestore_banjarmasin. This research is a qualitative research conducted by means of observation, interviews, and documentation conducted at the Malvie Store Banjarmasin. Data analysis techniques are carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that Malvie Store Banjarmasin has used social media with the application of 4C, namely Context, Communication, Collaboration, and Connection. (1) Context, it is shown that Malvie Store Banjarmasin presents product photos that are the same as the catalog, and uses the story feature for product reviews. (2) Communication, Malvie Store Banjarmasin tries to convey product information through stories by providing captions and reviews. If consumers want to inquire about products, Malvie Store Banjarmasin uses Direct Message and Whatsapp to reply to consumer questions. (3) Collaboration, Malvie Store Banjarmasin has a collaboration with celebgrams which is used as a value that the Malvie Store Banjarmasin product is also used by influencers. (4) Connection, Malvie Store Banjarmasin provides a place for complaints to establish relationships with consumers, provide quick responses if there are consumer questions and give likes if consumers upload photos on their Instagram using Malvie Store Banjarmasin products.


social media, context, communication, collaboration, connection

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