Analisis Strategi Pemasaran terhadap Keputusan Nasabah Menabung pada PT Bank Sinarmas, Tbk. KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin
Laniawati Ayu Salim, Lydia Goenadhi
This study aims, (1) to know and analyze the influence of marketing mix which consists of product, price, place, promotion, people simultaneously toward the customers’ decision at PT Bank Sinarmas, Tbk. KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin, (2) to know and analyze the influence of marketing mix which consists of product, price, place, promotion, people partially toward customer’s decision at PT Bank Sinarmas, Tbk. KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin, and (3) to know and analyze which variable has the dominant influence toward customer’s decision at PT Bank Sinarmas, Tbk. KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin. This research is quantitative research by taking samples from a population to fill in the questionnaire as an instrument of data collection. The population in this research is individuals or customers of Bank Sinarmas KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin with a total sample of 50 customers. Hypothesis is tested with multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that simultaneously marketing mix’s variables which consists of product, price, place, promotion, people have significant influence on customer’s decision at Bank Sinarmas KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin. Partially, the results indicated that the place (X3) and people (X5) do not have significant influence on customer’s decision while product (X1), price (X2), promotion (X3) have significant influence on customer’s decision at Bank Sinarmas KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin. Based on beta coefficient, price (X2) has the dominant influence toward customer’s decision at PT Bank Sinarmas, Tbk. KCP A. Yani Banjarmasin.
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https://afiburhanuddin, Banjarmasin, Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015, 20.18 WITA
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