Corporate Governance Terhadap Corporate Financial Performance Melalui Earning Management Sebagai Pemediasi

Lisandri Lisandri, Nurul Hayati


This study aims to find the effect of corporate governance on corporate financial performance through earnings management on publicly Indonesian manufacturing companies. The result of testing using structural modeling method (SEM), this research proves corporate governance negatively affect earnings management, and earnings management harms company financial performance. This means that any increase in managerial ownership and institutional ownership leads to a decline in earnings management. While the decline in earnings management can improve the company's financial performance. This study proves the greater managerial ownership, the less the impetus the manager acts opportunistically to make a profit. Similarly, in institutional ownership roles, institutional investors with significant investment in the firm will have an interest in controlling the choice of accounting methods that will be made by managers and can force change if it is believed that managers manipulative earnings management.


Corporate financial perfor-mance; Corporate governance; earning management, institu-tional ownership, managerial ownership

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