Analisis Kemandirian dan Efektivitas Keuangan Daerah, Serta Proporsi Belanja Modal Pemerintahan Kota Banjarmasin

Lisandri ., Hj. Henny Septiana Amalia


This study aims to: (1) analyze and measure the regional financial independence (KKD) of the Banjarmasin city government in 2012-2017; (2) Analyze and measure the effectiveness of regional finance of the Banjarmasin city government in 2012-2017; (3) Analyzing and measuring the proportion of Banjarmasin city government capital expenditure in 2012-2017 ; (4) Analyze and measure the trend of regional financial independence (KKD) of the Banjarmasin city government in 2012-2017; (5) Analyze and measure the trend of effectiveness and local revenue of Banjarmasin city government in 2012-2017; and, (6) Analyzing and measuring the trend of the Banjarmasin city government capital expenditure allocation in 2012-2017. The method used is descriptive statistics with regional financial performance ratio analysis techniques. Based on the results of the Performance Evaluation of Government Administration conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the city of Banjarmasin received a high to very high performance status during 2012-2017. In 2015, it was ranked 28th out of 30 highest cities nationwide. The lowest achievement was obtained in 2012, namely ranking 57 out of 91 cities. This shows that the administration of government has been going well, and in general public services carried out by the government have been carried out well and have met the predetermined performance standards. The results showed that although the performance of government administration was classified as good and received a very high status, the city of Banjarmasin was not yet able to have a good financial performance, especially in the aspects of independence, effectiveness in the achievement of PAD revenues, and the proportion of capital expenditure allocation that was below 30 percent. 


Independence, Regional Fi-nancial Effectiveness, Capital Expenditure


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