Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Ker-ja dan Kinerja Karyawan
Responding to competition of commercial banks which have also been the focus of work of (Micro Small And Medium Enterprises) UMKM as a target product, it should be prepared Rural Banks (BPR) is a Human Resources (HR), where the competent human resources sector will be decisive for the success of banking governance. The fact is perfect as well as systems and services owned products, if HR does not have the competence and ability of the enterprise impossible goal will be achieved in the era of modern management and competitive ini. Penelitian now aims to investigate the influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance, This research is associative causal using a quantitative approach. Methods of data analysis used to test this hypothesis using path analysis (path analysis). The results showed that the Work Motivation, Work Environment significant effect on job satisfaction and employee performance. Based on the results of this study concluded that the Work Motivation, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance Rural Bank one of Malang has been very good.
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