Muhammad Ahsanu, Amala ., Safriansyah .


Companies are trying to lower their tax cost in order to earn a highter profit. This study aims to analize and examine the effect of independent variabel like profitability, capital intensity, leverage, institutional ownership, independent commisaris and size of companies influence the dependent variabel of tax avoidance in simultan and parcial. The result of the research showed that in simultan all independent variabel such as profitability, capital intensity, leverage, intitutional ownership, independent commisaris and size of companies have significant effect on tax avoidance. While in simultan only profitability has significant effect direction negative on tax avoidance. But, another variabel such as capital intensity, leverage, intitusional ownership, independent commisaris and size have not significant effect on tax avoidance.


Profitability, capital intensity, leverage, institutional ownership, independent commisaris, size of companies, tax avoidance


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