Implikasi Motivasi Belajar dan Manajemen Waktu terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin

Triane Cindy, Rizky Nastiti2, Norbaiti .


This research analyzed the implication of learning motivation and time management on academic achievement of STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin students. The method used in the research was qualitative method. The data was collected by using questionnaire. The subject of this research was 80 batch 2016 students of STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin. The subject consisted of 35 students from the Accounting Program and 45 students from the Management Program. The result showed that learning motivation and time management of the students were quite good. Their academic achievement, obtained form Grade Point Average, was also categorized as good. Hence, it could be concluded that learning motivation and time management correlated with students’ academic achievement. Moreover, there was no significant difference between learning motivation and time management of the students who were working and studying at the same time and those who were focusing on their study


learning motivation, time management, academic achievement


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