Dampak Sistem Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasaan Kerja Karyawan UD. Udang Galah Selama Pandemi
This study aims to analyze the compensation system and work satisfaction of employees in UD. Udang Galah during the pandemic. This study employed a qualitative method, by interviewing 18 employees of UD. Udang Galah and conducting observation. In order to obtain more information, the researcher interviewed the owner of UD. Udang Galah. The results showed that compensation can increase job satisfaction. In addition, the employees at UD. Galah Shrimp are classified into full-time employees and part-time employees. During the pandemic period, the compensation for part-time employees was reduced specifically, while full-time employees did not experience a reduction in salary. However, the full-time employees still experienced a reduction in bonuses.
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