Dila Indah, Muhammad Djaperi


The purpose of this research is to obtain the empirical evidence about the size of the company, a component of accrual, and Good Corporate Governance (in this case the managerial ownership, institutional ownership, the proportion of independent commissioners and audit committee)  partial  and simultaneous significant influence on earning management in retail companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange. This research explains the causal relationships among dependent variables with independent variables through hypothesis testing. Research data used in the preparation of this thesis are secondary data, while the source of data obtained by documenting from electronic media (internet). The population in this study is the retail companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange. The sample collection techniques used namely in purposively of sampling, namely the group of the object that in ambit based on certain considerations so that the number sample as much as 9 companies. Data analysis performed by multiple linear regression method. Based on the results of the analysis show that partially accrual components affect significantly to earnings management at retail companies registered in BEI while the size of the company and the Good Corporate Governance (in this case the managerial ownership, institutional ownership, the proportion of independent Commissioners and audit Committee) partially has no effect on profit management of retail companies registered in BEI. Simultaneously the size of the company, a component of accrual and Good Corporate Governance (in this case the managerial ownership, institutional ownership, the proportion of independent Commissioners and audit Committee) effect significantly to earnings management on retail companies registered in BEI.



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