Nia Ujia, RR. Siti Munawaroh, Ichsan Mawardi


This study aims to determine whether the Consumer Confidence consists of 3 dimensions, namely 1) competence, 2) integrity, 3) benevolence affects the Interest of  students online purchase of  STIE Indonesia - Banjarmasin. Type of research used in this research is survey. Population in this research is all student of STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin. This research technique used ppurposive  sampling with total sample 40 students. Data collection techniques using questionnaires that have been tested its validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques used to answer the hypothesis is multiple regression. The result of the research shows that 1) competence, does not affect the students of STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin, 2) integrity, positively and significantly influences to the students of STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin, 3) benevolence, positively and significantly influence to students of STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin. Partially, the variables of integrity (X2), and benevolence (X3) have a positive and significant effect on purchase interest (Y), while simultaneously variebel competence (X1), integrity (X2), and benevolence (X3) have positive and significant effect on purchase interest (Y) of students at STIEI - Banjarmasin.


competence, integrity, benevolence and purchase interest


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