Evi May Helen Pardosi, M. Djaperi


The aim of the author in conducting this research is to obtain empirical
evidence of the effect of company size, debt to equity ratio, return on equity, price
earnings ratio to the value of the company in real estate and property companies
that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research is a quantitative
descriptive study with an explanatory research type. The research data used is
secondary data in the form of financial ratio data for 2015-2017, while the data
sources are obtained through the site The population in this
study are all real estate and property companies listed on the IDX. The sampling
technique uses purposive sampling method. The sample in this study was taken as
many as 27 real estate and property companies. The technique of collecting data
through documentation, while the data analysis technique uses multiple linear
regression models. Based on the results of the study show that simultaneously the
variable size of the company, debt to equity ratio, return on equity and price ratio
affect the company's value in real estate and property companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. Partially the variable debt to equity ratio, return on
equity and price ratio affects the firm value of real estate and property companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. While the variable size of the company
does not have an influence on the value of the company in real estate and property
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.


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