Fernando Roncius Kosasih, Lydia Goenadhi


This study aims to determine how the influence of the marketing mix
applied by the company on the purchase decision of Samsung Smartphones in Star
Cell Banjarmasin simultaneously or partially. This study uses a case study method
where data is obtained through the distribution of questionnaires on 50
respondents in Star Cell Banjarmasin. Technique in sampling is accidental
sampling. Data collection method used in this study is questionnaires and
literature studies. Furthermore, the data obtained were tested for validity test,
reliability test, multiple linier regression test, F test, t test, and determination
coefficient test. Based on the results of the F test it is known that the Fcount
(19,700) > Ftable (2,57).This means that the price, promotion, and place influence
simultaneously and significantly with the purchase decision. From the results of
the test and be made known that the amount of (2,702) tcount variable products
(2,496), price (2,875), promotion, and distribution (3,335) and ttable (2,318). This
means that th price, promotion, and place influence significantly with the purchase
decision. From the t test results it is known that the value tcount, variable of place
have the greatest value (3,335). This means that variable prices have leverage the
most dominant of the purchase decision. While from the test the coefficients
determination known value the coefficients determination from (R2
) 0,637 and
value of the coefficients determination that has been adjusted (adjusted r square)
is of 0,604. This means that 60,4% decision of smartphone Samsung purchase
influenced by the independent variable (product, price, promotion, and place),
while the rest is as much as 39,6% influenced by other variables that not included
in thisresearch.


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