Norbaiti .


This research describe about: (1) to find empirical evidence that the influence of leadership style consists of instructive leadership, con-sultative leadership, participative leadership and partially discretionary leadership on employee performance CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin, (2) to find empirical evidence that the influence of leader-ship style consists of leadership instructive , consultative leadership, participative leadership and delegate leadership on employee perfor-mance simultaneously CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin, and (3) to find empirical evidence of the dominant influence of leadership style on the performance variables CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin .

This research is descriptive quantitative, population in this study is the individual employee Banjarmasin Mandiri CV technique. The number of employees CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin as many as 47 people. Then the number of samples in this study were drawn from the entire population of all 47 respondents. The techniques for determining the sample in the study using census or sampling method saturated. The type of data used is quantitative data and qualitative data, while the data source used is primary data and secondary data. The technique of collecting data through questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses multiple regression of linier model.

Based on the results of the analysis showed that partially instructive leadership variable (X1) significantly affect the performance of the em-ployee CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin. The consultative leader-ship variable (X2) significantly to the leadership performance CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin.

In partial participative leadership (X3) have a significant effect on the performance of the employees CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin. Partially delegate leadership variable (X4) is not significant effect on employee performance CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin. Variables simultaneously instructive leadership, participative leadership and dele-gate leadership, the influence on employees performance CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin. The fourth independent variable is instructive leadership, consultative leadership, participative leadership, the leader-ship delegate capable of 60.5 % while the remaining 39.5 % is influenced by other variables included in the sodium absorption ratio in this study. Participative leadership is the dominant variable or the greatest effect on employee performance CV Mandiri Engineering Banjarmasin


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