Fadma Yulianti, Lydia Goenadhi


Conditions of coastal communities or fishing communities in some various areas are generally characterized by several traits, such as poverty, underdevelopment socio-cultural, lack of human resources (HR) because of most population only graduated from primary school or even they not graduated yet, and a weak function of the existence of Business group. The fundamental problems of marine and fisheries community that cause poverty is lack of access to capital, markets and technology, social and cultural protection, the low quality of the environment as well as weak institutional group. This research purposes to see the level of community-based economy and local potential and the role of communities to promote the development of the institutional in Tanah Bumbu regency. This research is an approach to economics, especially of management science. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. Qualitative methods of research that is based on the philosophy postpositivisme, used to examine the condition of the object that is natural, where the researcher is the key, sampling data source is done porpusive and snowball, gathering techniques with triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and qualitative research results further emphasize the significance rather than generalizations (Sugiyono; 2012). Based on the field results of this research, income as traditional fishermenis quite alarming so many of them were below the poverty line, because the catch is still inadequate cause of the tools they use are still very traditional. Actually, if the fishermen profession is managed well then quite promising, especially Tanah Bumbu has a lot of variety of fish and marine areas are quite spacious. The existence of the economy institutions is still not running optimally. Existing institutions such as the fishermen's group has not been much help to improve their well-being as long as it only works when to accept help then just in name only. To overcome this will not be separated from the active role of government and society itself, which is in line with the government's empowerment program for the economic empowerment of coastal communities. At the core of this program is done through three strategies, namely: (1) institutional; (2) assistance; and (3) a revolving fund productive business.


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