Akhmad Yafiz Syam, . Lisandri


Studies on the role of universities in fostering entrepreneurship and explore some of the factors that influence the behavior of entrepreneurship has been done by some researchers, for example, Autio, Keeley, Klofsten, and Ulfstedt (1997); Venesaar, Kolbre, and Piliste (2006);  Budiati, Yani, and Universari (2012). Entrepreneurship education in STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin, running since 2010 is not known whether sufficient influence to increase the students’ intension to become entrepreuner. This Research Gap is the main reason for this studyneed, in order to be assessed needs relevant and appropriate curriculum. The results of this study, concluded that entrepreneurship is not the primary choice for students after graduation. The students choose to be a worker with other people first,raise of capital and experience, before creating a new business start-up. Entrepreneurship courses have  effect of the students intension who chose to quickly create a new business start-up, but this as a secondary activitiesonly. Intension in entrepreneurship, motivated by the reasons to honor feel more to be ownerof a business than a workerunder the other people, it is in line with previous studies. Although freedom in activities is also an importantmotivation for students interested in entrepreneurship. For the factor of self-realization, because he wanted to continue the family tradition of doing a business is the main reason for students who choose a category immediately create the start-up business.


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