Rofiqah Wahdah, Henny Septiana Amalia


This research aims to: (1) Identify the characteristics of “purun” woven crafts center of Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU); (2) to identify the strength, weakness, oppourtunity, threat, and the constraints faced by entrepreneurs “purun”woven crafts center of HSU district to improve the economic welfare through the development of craft businesses woven in HSU District; and, (3) find ways to develop business craft woven “purun” through competitiveness of products to be widely known both domestically and internationally.This research was conducted using qualitative method. Data were collected through discussions and interviews. Respondents are members of “purun” woven craft businesses, the chairman of the centre and local government officials in charge of the craft industry.The results showed that: (1) Enterprises “purun” woven crafts at centers in Hulu Sungai Utara is a business that is labor-intensive, and “purun” craft centers in all regions  inHSU District.This shows that this industry is one business that became a source of income for the community. However, these efforts still managed individuals and groups, professional management is needed to be able to increase production and income of the artisans.(2) Constraints faced by the artisans of woven rushes in terms of products, the competitiveness of products is still low, the quality of production of “purun” woven  largely determined by the shape of “purun” woven craft itself. One is the value of art created by craftsmen in wicker generated. So as not surprisingly the production of each member of the center is difficult to standardize quality. In terms of marketing, the craftsmen can not take advantage of the market that is wide enough to the maximum, because the quality and design of products that are still modest. The craftsmen using only simple designs and motifs.(3) In order to improve the economic welfare and economic empowerment of rural communities through business development “purun” woven handicrafts in HSU District, the need for good efforts to improve the quality of products to enhance the competitiveness of products, increased marketing efforts and ability to compete with other similar products, as well as increased institutional. Support from local government and other relevant agencies such as training and business assistance is expected to increase the competitiveness of “purun” craft products.

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