The organizational effectiveness is a thing to be achieved by any organization, but it is not easy to determine. Researchers and prac-titioners of the organization concluded that the effectiveness of the organization can not be measured by a certain criterion only. Different functions in each organization needs different criteria for evaluating the effectiveness. This research aimed to explain some approaches that can be used to determine the effectiveness of the organization, especially business organizations (companies). Additionally, studied also some components that are related with the effectiveness achievement, such as organizational strategy, organizational structure, and technology. The authors reviewed some literatures (library research), which contains the results of experts researches and organizations theories to obtain a comprehensive description, covers several approaches and components. Research compiled by descriptive is expected to be made use for the managers of the organization in achieving the organizational effectiveness based on scientific studies. Based on the results of the experts, there are four approaches that developed in determining the criteria for organizational effectiveness. The approaches are goal attainment approach, systems approach, strategic constituency approach, and competing value approach. The measures of effectiveness used depends on the organizational situation, constituency and its position in the life cycle of organizational growth. Furthermore, experts suggested that organizational effec-tiveness is considered as a result of its strategy. If the run of strategies is right then the organizational goals can be realized, means organizational effectiveness can be achieved. The results also indicate the relationship between organizational structure with the effectiveness. However organizational effectiveness is determined not only by the structure, but by the suitability of the structure and technology that organization used. The study conducted on business organizations which includes manufacturing companies and services companies. These components are rarely or not always expressed in the discussion of the effectiveness. In fact the third component, namely organizational strategy, organizational structure, and orga-nizational technology are very important for the organizational effectiveness achievement
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