Analisis Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia dan Sistem Teknologi Informasi terhadap Keberhasilan Penerapan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan (SAP) Berbasis Akrual

Riswan Ludfi, Hamida Ahyani


The aims of this research were to analyzing the Quality of Human Resource and the Information Technology System variables as independent toward the application of Government Accounting Standard with Accrual Basis Application. The research sample were taken with interview and survey method throught spreading questionnaires toward on Government of South Kalimantan Province dan focused to financial bureau.

The result of the research showed that Government of South Kalimantan Province has a human resource quality in terms of fulfilling accounting standard with accrual basis and the financial bureau has been supported by adequated information system to bolster the eficiency and efectivity of accounting activity on presenting accounting report

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